#include <stdio.h> int main(void) { puts("Hallo Welt! \n"); }
#include <iostream> int main() { std::cout << "Hallo Welt! \n"; }
int i = 13; int werte[] = {1,2,3}; int *ptr1 = &i; int *ptr2 = ptr1; int *ptr3 = werte; ptr3 = NULL;
#pragma once class Person { public: Person(void); Person(string name, int alter); ~Person(void); string getName(); void setName(string name); int getAlter(); void setAlter(int alter); private: string _name; int _alter; };
Person::Person(void) { } Person::Person(string name, int alter) { _name = name; _alter = alter; } string Person::getName() { return _name; } void Person::setName(string name) { _name = name; } int Person::getAlter() { return _alter; } void Person::setAlter(int alter) { _alter = alter; }
class Mitarbeiter : public Person { public: Mitarbeiter(void); ~Mitarbeiter(void); int getID(); void setID(int id); private: int _id; };
int Mitarbeiter::getID() { return _id; } void Mitarbeiter::setID(int id) { _id = id; }
#include <iostream> #include <string> #include <limits.h> #include <time.h> #include <cmath> #include <Windows.h> using namespace std; enum fehlercodes { ERROR_LESEN = 101, ERROR_SCHREIBEN = 102 }; struct datum { int tag; int monat; int jahr; }; struct person { string name; string vorname; datum geburtsdatum; string beruf; }; struct vector { double x; double y; }; class Person { public: Person(void); Person(string name, int alter); ~Person(void); string getName(); void setName(string name); int getAlter(); void setAlter(int alter); private: string _name; int _alter; }; Person::Person(void) { } Person::Person(string name, int alter) { _name = name; _alter = alter; } string Person::getName() { return _name; } void Person::setName(string name) { _name = name; } int Person::getAlter() { return _alter; } void Person::setAlter(int alter) { _alter = alter; } class Mitarbeiter : public Person { public: Mitarbeiter(void); ~Mitarbeiter(void); int getID(); void setID(int id); private: int _id; }; Mitarbeiter::Mitarbeiter(void) { } int Mitarbeiter::getID() { return _id; } void Mitarbeiter::setID(int id) { _id = id; } void methodCounter() { static int counter = 0; counter++; cout << counter << endl; } void fehlermeldung(fehlercodes number) { switch(number) { case ERROR_LESEN: cout << endl << "Lesefehler!" << endl; break; case ERROR_SCHREIBEN: cout << endl << "Schreibfehler!" << endl; break; } } void sleep(unsigned int mseconds) { clock_t goal = mseconds + clock(); while (goal > clock()); } void zins() { double betrag = 0; double betrag_neu = 0; double zins = 0; double ertrag = 0; int jahre = 0; cin >> betrag; cin >> zins; cin >> jahre; cout << "Jahr \t Zins \t\t Betr Alt \t Betr Neu \t Ertrag" << endl; for (int i = 1; i<=jahre; i++) { betrag_neu = betrag * zins; ertrag = betrag_neu - betrag; printf("%d \t %7.2f \t %7.2f \t %7.2f \t %7.2f \n", i, zins, betrag, betrag_neu, ertrag); betrag = betrag_neu; } } double fakul(int number) { double result = 1; for (int i = 1; i<=number; i++) { result *= i; } return result; } void zsp() { int input; int max = 0; int min = INT_MAX; double ds = 0; int summe = 0; cout << "Zahl eingeben:"; cin >> input; summe = summe + input; if (input > max) max = input; if (input < min) min = input; cout << "Zahl eingeben:"; cin >> input; summe = summe + input; if (input > max) max = input; if (input < min) min = input; cout << "Zahl eingeben:"; cin >> input; summe = summe + input; if (input > max) max = input; if (input < min) min = input; cout << "Zahl eingeben:"; cin >> input; summe = summe + input; if (input > max) max = input; if (input < min) min = input; cout << "Zahl eingeben:"; cin >> input; summe = summe + input; if (input > max) max = input; if (input < min) min = input; ds = (double)summe/5; cout << endl; cout << "Max: " << max << endl; cout << "Min: " << min << endl; cout << "Summe: " << summe << endl; cout << "Durchschnitt: " << ds << endl; } void help() { cout << "Datentypen:" << endl; bool b = true; cout << "bool: " << sizeof(b) << endl; short s = SHRT_MAX; cout << "short(" << sizeof(s) << "): " << s << endl; s++; cout << "short(" << sizeof(s) << "): " << s << endl; int i = INT_MAX; cout << "int(" << sizeof(i) << "): " << i << endl; i++; cout << "int(" << sizeof(i) << "): " << i << endl; unsigned int ui = UINT_MAX; cout << "int unsigned(" << sizeof(ui) << "): " << ui << endl; ui++; cout << "int unsigned(" << sizeof(ui) << "): " << ui << endl; long l = LONG_MAX; cout << "long(" << sizeof(l) << "): " << l << endl; l++; cout << "long(" << sizeof(l) << "): " << l << endl; float f = FLT_MAX; cout << "float(" << sizeof(f) << "): " << f << endl; f++; cout << "float(" << sizeof(f) << "): " << f << endl; double d = DBL_MAX; cout << "double(" << sizeof(d) << "): " << d << endl; d++; cout << "double(" << sizeof(d) << "): " << d << endl; char c = 'c'; cout << "char(" << sizeof(c) << "): " << c << endl; } unsigned int* arrayExpand(unsigned int oldarray[], unsigned int oldarrayc, unsigned int newsize) { unsigned int *newarray = new unsigned int[newsize]; for(unsigned int i = 0; i<=oldarrayc; i++) { newarray[i] = oldarray[i]; } delete oldarray; return newarray; } void dateilisting(int ebene, HANDLE fHandle, WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd) { do { // Eintrag nur behandeln, wenn es nicht . oder .. ist (werden nur bei Unterverzeichnissen mit zurückgeliefert) // hier könnte man z.B. auch mit lstrcmp auf . und .. vergleichen, was allerdings nicht ganz so effizient ist if (!( (wfd.cFileName[0]=='.') && ( (wfd.cFileName[1]=='.' && wfd.cFileName[2]==0) || wfd.cFileName[1]==0 ) )) { if (wfd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { dateilisting(1, fHandle, wfd); // Datei ist keine, sondern ein Verzeichnis... // Hier könnte man dasselbe nochmal machen, um auch die // Unterverzeichnisse zu scannen ;-) } else { for (int i=0; i<ebene; i++) cout << " "; for (int i=0; i<100; i++) cout << wfd.cFileName[i]; // cout << wfd.cFileName << endl; } } } while (FindNextFile(fHandle,&wfd)); FindClose(fHandle); } int main() { bool running = true; bool promptTime = true; string command = ""; static int commandCounter = 0; do { if (promptTime) { time_t ts; tm *now; ts = time(0); now = localtime(&ts); cout << now->tm_year+1900 << '.' << now->tm_mon+1 << '.' << now->tm_mday << "-" << now->tm_hour << ':' << now->tm_min << ":" << now->tm_sec << " " << clock() << " " ; } commandCounter++; cout << "input " << commandCounter << " =>"; cin >> command; if (command == "klassen") { Person* p = new Person(); p->setName("Rene"); p->setAlter(30); cout << "Person " << p->getName() << ", " << p->getAlter() << endl; Mitarbeiter* m = new Mitarbeiter(); m->setID(1); m->setName("Rene"); m->setAlter(30); cout << "Mitarbeiter " << m->getID() << ", " << m->getName() << ", " << m->getAlter() << endl; } if (command == "files") { cout << "Geht leider nicht. Lieber nach einer POSIX-Lösung suchen!" << endl; //HANDLE fHandle; //WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd; //fHandle=FindFirstFile((LPCWSTR)"C:\\*",&wfd); //dateilisting(0, fHandle, wfd); } if (command == "zeiger") { int i = 13; int werte[] = {1,2,3}; int *ptr1 = &i; int *ptr2 = ptr1; int *ptr3 = werte; cout << *ptr1 << " " << *ptr2 << " " << *ptr3 << " " << *(ptr3+1) << " " << *(ptr3+2) << endl; ptr1 = NULL; cout << " " << *ptr2 << " " << *ptr3 << " " << *(ptr3+1) << " " << *(ptr3+2) << endl; *ptr2 = 7; cout << i << " " << *ptr2 << " " << *ptr3 << " " << *(ptr3+1) << " " << *(ptr3+2) << endl; } if (command == "vector") { vector v[2]; for (int i = 0; i<2; i++) { cout << endl; cout << i+1 << ".Vektor" << endl; cout << " x: "; cin >> v[i].x; cout << " y: "; cin >> v[i].y; cout << endl; } double l1, l2; l1 = sqrt(pow(v[0].x,2) + pow(v[0].y,2)); l2 = sqrt(pow(v[1].x,2) + pow(v[1].y,2)); if (l1 == l2) { cout << "L1 = L2" << endl; } else if (l1 > l2) { cout << "L1 > L2" << endl; } else if (l1 < l2) { cout << "L1 < L2" << endl; } } if (command == "struct") { datum birthday; person rene; cin >> birthday.tag; cin >> birthday.monat; cin >> birthday.jahr; cin >> rene.vorname; cin >> rene.name; cin >> rene.beruf; rene.geburtsdatum = birthday; cout << endl; cout << rene.vorname << " " << rene.name << " " << rene.geburtsdatum.tag << "." << rene.geburtsdatum.monat << "." << rene.geburtsdatum.jahr << " " << rene.beruf << endl; cout << endl; } if (command == "tabelle") { int tab[10][10]; for (int i=0; i<10; i++) for (int j=0; j<10; j++) tab[i][j]=(i+1)*(j+1); for (int i=0; i<10; i++) for (int j=0; j<10; j++) printf("%d\t",tab[i][j]); } if (command == "kerker") { bool doors[100]; memset(doors, false, sizeof(doors)); for(int x = 0; x<100; x++) cout << doors[x] << " "; for(int i = 0; i<100; i++) { for(int j = i; j<100; j+=(i+1)) { doors[j] = !doors[j]; } for(int x = 0; x<100; x++) cout << doors[x] << " "; cout << endl << endl; } for(int x = 0; x<100; x++) if(doors[x]) cout << x+1 << " "; cout << endl; } if (command == "prim") { //time_t ts; //tm *now; //ts = time(0); //now = localtime(&ts); unsigned int primesCount = 0; unsigned int primesMax = 100; unsigned int *primes = new unsigned int[100]; unsigned int end = 0; cin >> end; //int end_hour = 0; //int end_min = 0; //unsigned int i = 1; //cin >> end_hour; //cin >> end_min; int time_start = clock(); //while ( now->tm_hour <= end_hour && now->tm_min < end_min && i < INT_MAX ) for (unsigned int i = 1; i<=end; i+=2) { //cout << (now->tm_hour <= end_hour) << " " << (now->tm_min < end_min) << " " << i << endl; bool prim = true; //int time_before = clock(); for (unsigned int j=1; j<primesCount; j++) { if( (i%primes[j])==0 ) prim = false; } if (prim) { //cout << "Zeit: " << (clock()-time_before) << ", Zahl: " << i << endl; if(primesCount>=primesMax) primes = arrayExpand(primes, primesCount, primesCount+100); primes[primesCount++] = i; } //i+=2; } cout << endl; cout << "Zeit: " << clock()-time_start << endl; cout << "Anzahl gefundener Primzahlen: " << primesCount << endl; cout << "Größte gefundene Primzahl: " << primes[primesCount-1] << endl; } if (command == "test") { const int array_length = 10; int zahlen[array_length]; for (int i = 0; i<array_length; i++) { // zahlen[i] = i; for(int j=63;j>=0;--j) printf("%d",((zahlen[i]>>j)&1)); cout << endl; int fubar = 12; for(int j=63;j>=0;--j) printf("%d",((fubar>>j)&1)); cout << endl; } } if (command == "count") { methodCounter(); } if (command == "zins") { zins(); } if (command == "fibo") { int end = 0; int result = 0; int last1 = 1; int last2 = 0; cin >> end; while(result < end) { result = last1 + last2; last2 = last1; last1 = result; cout << result << endl; } } if (command == "fak") { int number = 0; cin >> number; cout << number << "!=" << fakul(number) << endl; } if (command == "sort") { int a = 0; int b = 0; int c = 0; int tmp = 0; cin >> a; cin >> b; cin >> c; if (a>b) {tmp=b;b=a;a=tmp;} if (a>c) {tmp=c;c=a;a=tmp;} if (b>c) {tmp=c;c=b;b=tmp;} cout << a << ", " << b << ", " << c << endl; } if (command == "zsp") { zsp(); } if (command == "kill") { string name = ""; cin >> name; sleep(1000); cout << "PENG!" << endl; sleep(1000); cout << "PENG!" << endl; sleep(1000); cout << "argh! (and argv and argc too ...)" << endl; sleep(1000); cout << name << " ist tot ..." << endl; } if (command == "setTimePrompt") { string in = ""; cin >> in; if (in == "true") promptTime = true; if (in == "false") promptTime = false; } if (command == "help") help(); if (command == "exit") { running = false; cout << "exiting with " << commandCounter << " commands executed." << endl; } if (command == "fun") { cout << "format c: "; for (int i = 0; i<20; i++) { cout << "="; sleep(1000); } fehlermeldung(ERROR_SCHREIBEN); cout << "> finished." << endl; } } while(running); }
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